testimonials for CROW be GONE

testimonials for CROW be GONE

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
verified customer
Verified Customer

Thanks so much for getting back to me! I truly appreciate it!
I applaud you on your record keeping !   Bravo!   It means very much to me that you remembered and you honored your policy. That means alot these days!
Your cd works great by the way. It kept the crows away for many years.. but they've come back. I can't wait to get them gone again. I've told lots of folks about the recording you made. But I've never shared it. I think you should be rewarded for your great work.
Thanks so very, very much!
Wishing you the very best!
Kindest regards and best wishes,"

Portland, Oregon

Thank you for the kind words. We appreciate your business and strive to stay true to our business ethics.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
verified customer
Verified Customer

"FANTASTIC - A neighbor down the street started feeding crows last fall so by now the neighborhood was swarming with crows all day long, every day!
The Crow be Gone is like MAGIC!!  After the first 1/2 day of use the crows almost vanished. After 3 1/2 days there are only a few crows that will show up down the street for the free food, and they don't hang around!
I can't thank you enough for this excellent simple effective system.

Oh Yes, we placed speakers in top floor windows using one of 3 different locations, I think that's why it has been so successful."

Jim H.
Milton, Washington

That's great news. Food is a powerful attractant for crows. To be able to keep them at a distance with such an attractant as food is very encouraging. This is by far one of the most difficult situations in combating crows.
Following the guidelines which we describe on our website and in your order confirmation instructions is of the utmost importance. We wish you the best at your challenge to deter crows.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
testimonial Verified Customer

"Dear Crow be Gone,
Several months ago I found a supplier with a single outdoor speaker as opposed to stereo pairs. I purchased achase away crows Bogen SP58a speaker and mounted it hidden outside. I adjusted the volume as per your instructions. Well, there are no more crows around my house! I have tested this several times by not running Crow be Gone for a week. Slowly the crows started returning until I turn on the CD player. The next day, no more crows. Yes, it really does work and I thank you for your support." "

Irwin Zane

Thanks for sharing your story with us..

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
another verified customer
Verified Customer

So we bought from you last year, and the crows came back in the summer, so we started playing it again, not only did they disappear but REAL hawks appeared and are now chasing them off as well. I think the hawks thought there were hawks in the area due to playing it all the time. I recommend it to everyone who complains about the crows."

Christine G
Napa, California

We are thankful to people like you and the many others that have spread the word that "it works". We are so pleased to hear your story and we realized in our early testing that our Crow be Gone CD does in fact attract Hawks. Which in turn help keep the Crows away. We think their attraction may also be due to curiosity or strong mating urges.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
verified customer
Verified Customer

It slowly worked but successfully worked! To parahrase what you said, play it longer not louder. Some of the persistent nesting crows ignored it the first day but by day three we had quiet. Can I ask, do you know, does it also work on pigeons?"


Thanks for reaching out to us.
We are pleased to hear of your success and the peace and quiet returning to your home. Using our Crow be Gone cd is making the area very unfriendly to the crows. You can't blame them for leaving.

Sorry we have nothing for pigeons at this time.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
verified customer
Verified Customer

"I was totally frustrated three weeks ago when a murder of crows croaked all day from dawn to dusk in my backyard which is a forested ravine. I looked on the internet to see why they do that but I spotted your "Crow be Gone". I ordered it right away and started playing the MP3. I was totally amazed by the results. The crows totally vanished after the first day I played it. I kept playing the MP3 from my upstairs bedroom window every morning in case they came back but it has been 3 weeks now and they haven’t returned. I just received my CD last week so I put it in the window now and again but the crows are still not coming back. Now we can have peace and enjoy our backyard. It hasn’t scared any of our song birds away either.

Ontario, Canada

Suzanne -
We are pleased to know that we are able to provide relief from the murder of crows that descended upon your property. Enjoy the peace and please enjoy your backyard.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"Thank you for your fast service. We received the 2nd CD today. I was skeptical. We own a small golf course in SW Washington State and the crows really chew up our greens this time of the year. We have had no damage since we started using your CD's... I highly recommend your product."

SW Washington

We appreciate your story and your success with our Crow be Gone CD. Letters such as yours confirm to us that we are on the right track at removing pest crows. Thank you for helping us spread the word.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
verified customer
Verified Customer

"Thanks. I mean it. Great service. Proven results over and over again.
Our livelihood and our lodge burnt to the ground last March with everything in it. The Chesuncook Lake House in northern remote Maine and it was a 154 year old treasure... with crows. About 5-6 years ago I purchased Crow be Gone. Crows left in droves.
I returned to the Lake House Site to find we are inundated with crows. We endured crow wake-ups every 15 minutes before sunrise for the past weeks. We live in a lake/forest/wilderness area and wake up to crows crowing. Intolerable!
I requested a new mp3 from Crow be Gone today, and they responded immediately with a new copy. Outstanding People with a fantastic problem solver.
God bless these folks at Crows be Gone.
Good people, service and product. Highly recommended.
Best to all."

David Surprenant
Chesuncook Lake House & Cabins
Maine Woods Resorts, LLC

We feel sorry for your property loss yet feel there is always hope for you on your journey forward.
We feel humbled by your praise and comments. Yes, we do feel blessed that we've been able to help so many people. It's been our passion and pleasure to help those with their crow problems.
Thank you...

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
verified customer
Verified Customer

"Dear Crow Be Gone,
It is an absolutely amazing product. It drives the crows/ravens away from our property in beautiful Galisteo NM. You are saving my sanity. Thank you for your inspiration/genius to come up with this simple solution. I only wish I could lend crow be gone to the hawks who are harassed by these nasty creatures.
You must be helping a lot of people. You have done a great thing. You should be very proud."

Sincerely, David K.

We are very thankful to have been able to help so many people.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
verified customer
Verified Customer

"I recently purchased the Crow be Gone CD. I would like to say that I am so pleased with the results. We live on the 6th floor in an apartment block with a tree outside our bedroom - inhabited by crows. Within a few days the crows disappeared and 2 weeks later haven't returned.
Thank you for restoring our sanity.!"


Thanks for your purchase and trust. Glad we could be of help. You did this by making the area unfriendly to the crows. Good job...

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
verified customer
Verified Customer

"I really enjoy watching the crows react to the CD before they fly away. They get all puffy, begin looking up and around, hop to the highest branches of the tree, get close to each other, then panic and fly away. Great product !!!"

Graham Gordon
Ottawa, Canada

Thanks for the testimonial on the interesting observation to their behavior and reaction to our CD.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
verified customer
Verified Customer

"Dear Crow be Gone,
Well here we are nine years later and there are still crows in the world, but those estimated 3,000 crows are Gone from my neighborhood. I feel that it does not make sense to play Crow be Gone when there are no crows in the area, but after a few weeks when I see or hear them it doesn't take long, one day playing the CD and they are Gone.

My neighbors and I continue to thank you,"

Irwin Zane

We have devoted over 13 years to our business only because we too had crow issues as explained in our "About Us" page. It is letters such as yours which gives us the encouragement to continue. We feel fortunate that we have been able to help so many individuals.
Thank you.

Best regards,

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
verified customer
Verified Customer

"Hello. I'm just cleaning out my inbox on my old computer, and just wanted to say thank you for this product. This CD has definitely helped a great deal with our crow problem in the neighbourhood. I'd definitely swear by it. I used it in the middle of the season of 2017 and they settled down when I played it, and then they did not nest in the same location the next season beginning in April 2018. When I bought this they were literally cawing for an hour straight at daybreak no joke, and at that point it was me or the crows that had to leave, haha. We now have a peaceful neighbourhood. My neighbour also removed and burned the nest which was another factor, but I feel that the combination of the two things got rid of them. April 1st I will start playing the CD again...yes, they even build on April Fool's Day."

Thanks again.
Thunder Bay
Ontario Canada

We enjoy reading the letters we receive from our customers. It gives us great satisfaction to know that we're able to help and give relief to those like you that have a problem with crows.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
verified customer
Verified Customer

"Hello, well that took all but 20 minutes. I downloaded the mp3 file, burnt a cd and started playing it this morning at 6:00 am. By the time the second hawk call went over the speakers. I noticed the crow caws were getting further away. By 8:00 am they were all but gone... I could hear them in the distance. I went home for lunch at 11:00 and didn't hear One crow. Sitting outside for 20 minutes and all I heard was the faint hawk calls coming from the upstairs side window of our home. Awesome !!! I am Amazed !!!!
Yesterday at lunch we had 6-8 crows in our back yard trees...today there were 0 Zero.
I now understand all the testimonies of all your customers of how well this cd works."

Thank You

We are amazed daily as to the results of our Crow be Gone CD and pleased that we were able to provide relief from those crowing issues.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
verified customer
Verified Customer

"Dear Crow be Gone:
I admit to being skeptical when I saw your website reviews which described the success of many people in ridding their property of crows. But I decided to take the chance. My problem began about 3 years ago, when crows began nesting in a huge Spruce tree a block from me. At first it wasn't bad, but then the crow population seemed to explode and our neighborhood was suddenly overrun with crows.
They sat on my fence, perched in the trees, were all over my lawn and chattered and cawed all day long. So when I got the CD, I put the player in my garage window and set it to play. At first I don't think the crows heard it, but when they did about a few minutes later, they broke out into a raucous chatter of an urgent nature! It was horrendous the noise they made and suddenly, they flew away and you could hear them in the distance, but they did not come near again. I played the CD several times and the next day I saw one crow fly over, so I set it to play again, and I've not seen or heard a single crow since! To me that is amazing and I'm happy to recommend your product to anyone! I'm very pleased with the results and feel excited about a yard without these pesky birds. Great job on creating a product that really works and for bringing it to your customers!"

Casper, Wyoming

Your letter is such an encouragement to us and others. Thank you!

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
verified customer
Verified Customer

"Sorry that we waited for over a year to let you know about the results we had with your CROW be GONE product. We've been playing this CD for three years and we are so pleased that something so simple would eliminate those darn crows on the roof of our home and in our garden. At first we were skeptical yet your CD proved to be correct about your claims. This is by far the best deterrent for crows and with a little DIY (do it yourself) type of product its a win, win for us."

My wife and I thank you.

Thanks for your comment.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
verified customer
Verified Customer

"Dear Sir /Madam
I purchased the Crow be Gone CD and you emailed the MP3 recording. At 4 pm we set the MP3 playing on the laptop in a covered balcony with the louvers open, at our Emu Park home in Queensland Australia. Within a few seconds there was panic in the crow community, most disappeared but 3 took up positions on high trees around 80 meters away. Every time the sounds came on they would jump around and squawk loudly and after a few minutes fly off, they repeated the high tree visit briefly for 4 days. For 4 days 2 crows arrived back at the half built nest in our fig tree just before dark and looked all important until the sound came on then they would leave in a hurry.
Yesterday no crows visited the nest and only one perched in a high tree briefly. We can hear crows in the distance at times but our tree is now the home of 3 baby owls and 2 other bird types nests, free from crows, we still get the rainbow parrots and pigeons visiting.
Crow be Gone is brilliant, I can't thank you enough."

Kind regards,
Australia, Qld

We are very pleased to hear of your success. Nice job setting up defense before that nest was completed.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"I have lived in a cabin in the Big Thompson Canyon near Estes Park, Colorado since 2006.
I had noticed a large crow population in my area, and have always hated the sounds they make, especially early in the morning! Last summer I tried using old CDs hung about the cabin in the trees, having heard that the crows do not like shiny objects. Hmmmm, made nice sun-catchers but did not faze the crows. I have periodically searched the web for helpful hints on how to make the crows go away.
You may have heard we had an awful flood last September, and this year in the spring, there was an amazingly larger influx of crows in the area, they were actually coming on my deck! I bought myself a BB gun and spent most of the summer shooting at (but never actually hitting) the crows to scare them off.
I went web searching again, and found your site. Skeptically I got the CD willing to try anything at this point. Long story short, it works!! It is so peaceful around here now, I only hear the crows way over on my neighbor's land...No more rude wake-up calls! Amazing, simply amazing. I wish I had heard of you guys sooner.
Thank you!"

Big Thompson Canyon, Colorado

We feel honored to receive emails such as yours and we're pleased to hear about the harmony that's returned to you. We will always be here to help you if needed.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
verified customer
Verified Customer

We have ordered two Crow be Gone CDs -- for ourselves a month ago, and one for our neighbor today.
We love your product. It has saved our figs from crows this year.
Thank you and regards,"

Hirak and Karen

Hirak and Karen-
We are please to hear that you have saved your fig trees from the crows. We hope your neighbor is equally successful.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
verified customer
Verified Customer

"What a great product.
I had major problems with crows here in Brisbane Australia until I found your product during a net search !
The crows have left and give my house and yard a wide berth!
I just used a CD player through an open window at low volume and pointed at about a 90 degree angle to the problem area. I just left it play on loop and they packed up and left. I just play it occasionally now just to reinforce the warning in their brains.
Thanks again for a great Product."

Allan Young
Brisbane, Australia

Great job! Thanks for allowing us to help you.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
verified customer Verified Customer

"I should say I am writing to you as I contacted you around 3 weeks after purchasing explaining my problems and you indicated a money back guarantee would be extended until the problem was sorted.... Well.... With the current results, I could not be happier.
The place I have now put the sound is on top of our caravan which is under a shelter and am simply running it through an old mobile phone. This may sound logical to you that it would work and I would have done it initially but I was sure it wouldn't and only tried it in desperation.
Again............STIRLING PRODUCT............IT WORKS............EVEN IN AUSTRALIA"


You found what we refer to as a sweet spot. Where the volume and posistion are at an optimum location. It is somewhat of a science, yet what's most important is that it works!

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
verified customer
Verified Customer

"The sound track really works!
I run a cheap bluetooth speaker with an old iPhone looping 8 hours a day. I also got a pair of Halloween crows with real feathers, which l laid out in my back yard simulating dead crows. I’m in for a total of about 60 bucks (soundtrack $20, speaker $23, fake crows $16) Best deal ever.
Awesome product, thank you."

Carpinteria, CA

That's one amazing combination and you're a creative genius. Glad we could be part of the solution.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
testimonial Verified Customer

"Dear Magnificent Creators of Crow be Gone:
Can you hear that? THAT is the sound of no cawing. I started playing Crow be Gone as soon as I heard the first crow start pecking on the motorcycle under my bedroom window this morning. Usually there is another one on my car and another on my neighbor's truck. To try to dissuade them, I put plastic bags on my car's windows, a towel over the spare tire, and my neighbor put a car cover over his truck - the crows ruined the rubber seal around his door but they still attack the exposed parts of the truck. This has been going on since June. Crows tirelessly pecking away at our vehicles and cawing allllll the time.
And now....it's quiet. The assault has stopped. Thank you a thousand times over for this product !!"

Silver Spring, MD

We're pleased that your crowing problems have subsided and that the crows are not continuing to peck at the rubber seals. Make sure not to over play the sounds to loud.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"We live in a foothill area of Los Angeles (Glendale) and have a small quiet back patio area with a small fountain. The crows found our oasis and besides the noise and general mess, they effectively disabled the fountain unless I cleaned it daily. Needless to say the song birds that we used to enjoy stopped visiting us and our fountain. I have speakers on the patio but opted to buy a cheap CD player on Ebay and two also cheap speakers at Target and not use my stereo system.
Once we started playing the Crow Be Gone CD the crows left. I let the "Crow Music" run morning until night every day for about 10 days. That was last month and we haven't seen a crow since.
Thanks for a great product !!"

Los Angeles, California

Reading your story reminds us that we continue to be on the right track to help people rid their Crow issues. We enjoy each and every story we receive from our customers and thank you for trusting us.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

We purchased your CROW be GONE CD at least a couple of years ago. I was skeptical that it would work and thought my husband had just wasted $20. Boy. was I wrong, it works FANTASTIC! I can hear them about 3 doors down but they pretty much stay away from our place - no more nesting crows. It works so good in fact, our neighbour once called us and asked to turn it back on after we'd forgotten to restart the CD for a few days.

PS - feel free to use my testimonial on your site. I tell everyone who complains about crows waking them up about your CD."

Thank you!
Thunder Bay, ON

Thank you for reaching out to us and sharing your story. We're please to hear that our Crow be Gone CD is working for you and your neighbor.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"It worked --
Amazing results! We have a large area with lots of tall trees off our deck screen room. This year the trees were populated by many noisy crows, following their having nested in one of the trees. They made a real racket! After annoying us greatly during yet another dinner, I finally decided I had to do something. I went online that evening, found your product, bought it, downloaded the MP3 and played it the next morning using a small portable stereo I set up in the screen room. The crows were gone within minutes! We enjoyed dinner that evening with no crows to be heard, except now far in the distance! It has continued that way for several days now. Wonderful to have it work so well so quickly! Bravo!"

J. Keimer

J. Keimer-
We're pleased to hear your story and how you're enjoying the results of using Crow be Gone.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!
It was like a miracle and I was very skeptical of being able to chase away any of those crows from my field and orchard. I set up a system with very little effort or cost. I went as far as to try your CD of Crow be Gone on an area of my field which is always inundated with crows. I had no idea that I would be able to cover all 5 acres. Now this was just a test before attempting to cover all my property. I couldn't believe what results I got! I'm sure by now my neighbors are ordering their own CD from you. I told everyone I know! I bought an inexpensive boom box radio that played CD's and ran wire outdoors to speakers. It even had a replay button and your hour long CD played on and on. You couldn't even tell it was on at times. It was nothing like I thought. You guys are amazing! I have now turned it off after a week of use because there are no crows, yes no more crows. I tried every little trick in the book, yet this really works! I'm amazed and ready for their return!"

Alan M.
Duncan, OK

Thanks for the photos.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

get rid of crows     remove crow pests

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"I bought your CD 4 or 5 years ago and it's time that I send you my testimonial. When I ordered the CD, I had seen maybe 50 crows perching all together on my neighbor's hedge . I knew I had to take action.
I used it several weeks and since then I have not seen a crow landing in my area. I now use it once or twice a year when I see some approaching and it is enough to deter them.
I even used it against mockingbirds, during the night. After a few nights, they moved their nest farther from my house.

~~ Michele ~~
Los Angeles

We are pleased to hear of your success with our Crow be Gone CD. We look forward to helping others with similar problems with crows.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"I read a testimonial that Crow be Gone can help save figs from bird damage. I have fig trees which have suffered heavy bird damage. A plastic owl and scaring balloon had no effect on bird feeding. I placed a CD player with Crow be Gone underneath a fig tree and let it play continuously. I noticed a significant reduction in bird damage to figs.
Thank you."

South Carolina

Thanks for contacting us.
We've had customers that have place speakers in tress and it seems to work extremely well.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"After considering all types of crazy ways to do away with crows, I came across your audio product. My wife was skeptical but I thought that using the natural sound approach was better than using scarecrows with shotguns, pellet guns, poison or throwing rocks! I played your 70 minute CD (on repeat) one morning via a small "boom box" in an upstairs window when, like most recent mornings, many crows were making all kinds of noise. Almost immediately, we could hear a change in their calls. They seemed to be in a panic with a lot of motion. I am please to report that after about just two days of a total of about 6 hours of play (AM & PM) the big black buggers have bugged out. Gone! Quiet!
Plus I LIKE the sounds on your CD."

D. Brown

We appreciate your story and the success that you've achieved with Crow be Gone.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"I'm Doug, I live in Surrey BC. I purchased your Crow be Gone product on April 11, 2014. I was in a desperate position, as we had a Robin's nest in our back yard with four eggs in it that was under serious threat from crows. I came across your product with a simple Google search, and was elated to discover that I could receive the audio mp3 of Crow be Gone within minutes of ordering. I did not have the 2 weeks to wait for a CD to arrive. There were crows in the trees near the nest with mama robin sitting there. I needed help right away, and I got it from you!

Fortunately, we have an outdoor audio system that is wired to play music (mp3 files) directly through our stereo to the outside speakers. The speakers themselves are well concealed out of the weather, so all that was required was a simple directional turn up towards the sky and we were ready to play Crow be Gone. I kept the volume low, about 3-4 out of 10, just as recommended on your website. I turned on iTunes to play the Crow be Gone mp3 file, and pressed 'Play'.

Outside the house, here's what I saw. There is one larger 'sentinel' crow that seems to be the leader of the bunch. He has a deeper 'CAW CAW CAW' than all the others I've heard. When the sounds began emanating mysteriously from the sky (from our speakers) this large crow immediately took a perch on a high rooftop behind us. He was looking around at the sky, almost frantically. He belted out deep, loud 'CAW' sounds in short fast bursts. Obviously he was calling out a warning to the others. Right then, the shrill sound on the Crow be Gone file played, and this large crow bolted to a tall fir tree (lots of cover for him) and worked his way down to the lower branches. He flew silently about 10 feet off the ground between the houses, rapidly exiting the area. I was in utter disbelief. I couldn't believe how well it worked!

We had guests over on our back patio later that same day, and they were looking up towards the sky saying "Did you hear that sound, where is it?". They could not believe it was a recording playing towards the sky from our patio speakers, it sounds so real.

The crows have occasionally flown over, but rarely. They haven't perched on local rooftops or in our trees at all. We travel throughout the week, so are not always here. What I did with your product was to play it for 12 hours through iTunes, then play 12 hours of silence during the night time hours. Left in a repeating loop, the computer would just continuously cycle the Crow Be Gone audio all day, then be silent from 6 pm to 6 am. This allowed the effectiveness to continue while we were out of town.

No neighbors have noticed the sounds playing. The audio is very unobtrusive and still very effective at low volumes.

Here's the best news I have to report. On May 9 and 10, some 28 days after the Crow be Gone audio began playing, we watched four beautiful baby robin fledglings to the back lawn. They were fed by the parents in the grass, and then coaxed up into the protection of the trees with all the flapping energy they could muster! During the entire month of incubation and nestling feeding, there was NO CROW PROBLEM here. The parent robins did not once have to defend their nest, Crow Be Gone did that for them.

Thanks for being a huge part of our success story. I truly believe that without your Crow be Gone product, I wouldn't be writing you about the happy ending like it was."


Cloverdale, BC

What a great story! You have the perfect set up to do the job. We hope the future brings more robin's nests to your yard to enjoy.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"Thank you for your quick response in sending me the MP3 file. I was able to immediately burn it to a CD and begin playing it. I'll admit that I was a bit skeptical about whether it would work, but after five days now it has done a pretty good job of keeping the crows away. Besides which the sound effects are actually pretty enjoyable.

If any of our neighbors should happen to inform us that they are having problems with crows, I'll be sure not to mention your CD to them. After all, I want the crows to stay around their houses, not come back to ours."

Thanks again,

Thanks for contacting us to let us know that your Crow be Gone CD seems to be doing well. From skeptical to believer. Your welcome.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"Greetings -
I would firstly like to thank you for putting this product together. I had no idea how easy and safe it would be to eliminate the crow problem in my neighborhood. I like to sleep with the windows open in the summer time in my house, I also have quite a few very large trees that the crows love to sit in and caw away very early in the morning. I am so tired of it that I considered baiting them in and shooting them with a pellet rifle, (although this isn't the most humane solution the thought crossed my mind).
Enter "Crow be Gone", I put the MP3 track on my IPod, wrapped it in an envelope to create a makeshift amplifier and put it about 5 feet off the ground in a very large spruce tree in my backyard. As soon as I hit the play button and placed it in the tree 2 crows flew right into my yard in another tree, my first thought was that perhaps I had purchased the wrong CD because they were actually attracted to this sound. Well boy was I wrong, these two crows were actually trying to figure out where the sound was coming from and when they couldn't see the source they literally freaked out. They puffed themselves up and just started screaming, all the while darting their heads around in what I would attribute to them looking for danger. This display lasted about 45 seconds and they hit the bricks, they flew off so fast that I'm not sure they even got a chance to see the smile on my face. Honestly within 15 minutes of playing this track all crow noise has disappeared from my local area and the little song birds are back chirping away. The track will continue to play all day right up until dusk or until the battery dies on my Ipod whichever comes first.
Thanks again so very much, I am truly thankful to have this nuisance dealt with in a safe humane manner. I will be passing the word along to anyone I know with the same problem. I fully endorse this product for the terrorist Alberta crows."

Lloydminster, Alberta Canada

Thank you for your praise.
We never had any doubts that you wouldn't be successful at removing your crow issues. Following the directions as close as possible and observation of the crows behavior has returned your peace. The use of a envelope, ingenious!

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"I recently purchased your Crow Be Gone CD and it works great. Do you have any ideas for getting rid of or quieting Mockingbirds? It still amazes me how well the Crow Be Gone CD worked for the crow problem.

Bob C.
Somerton, AZ

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"I am sleeping wonderfully-
I have to admit that I suspected that your product was a scam. Still, I was desperate enough to gamble the money, and I am so happy that I did! I thought that the crows would be too intelligent for this, but over time, it has worked wonderfully. Today, I turned on your CD, for the first time in a couple of weeks, because one solitary crow disturbed my sleep. He quickly left after hearing the CD.
This has been a wild experience; first the crows screamed their heads off (which is what I had actually expected), but then I found that by adjusting the volume (3-5 on my stereo) they became nervous enough to back off. Initially, I felt guilty, because I could hear them screaming a block away, and I thought about the people that lived there. The crows would mount "scouting parties" of 4 or 5 to circle overhead, cawing and dipping low over my apartment complex, trying to lure out a predator. Surprisingly, they eventually gave up! I owe countless hours of restful sleep to Crow Be Gone. Thank you.
Yet, I also have to comment on one surprising development. I started to hear the calls of ACTUAL predators, when the CD was not on. Between those live birds and the CD, these damned crows are definitely GONE!!!"

Robert Lynn

That was a great story. We're always amazed by the excellent stories that we receive from our customers.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"Thank you Crow be Gone for saving my pecan trees from the crows. These darn crows have been eating about 1 pound of pecans each per day. I have 5 acres of pecan trees and the crows have been having a feast. I didn't think your cd would work but it did a fantastic job. It worked so well I've been telling all my neighbors.
Thank you very much."


We are please with your success. Certainly food is a powerful attractant for crows.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"I received my CD yesterday, thank you! I'm in Brisbane, Australia and the bloody crow conventions going on in my yard and the neighbors yard has been unbearable!!
These crow conventions have been starting at 5:30am and on occasion they even extended the drinks and mingling until about 3 in the morning! What sort of crow stays up partying and crowing all bloody night!!!
Got the CD yesterday, put it on at 6am with my stereo speakers hanging out the window. Guess what, NO CROWS!!! I can't believe this. - CROW BE GONE I LOVE YOU!
Awesome product - thanks!"

Ilana H.
Brisbane, Australia

You will get great results with low volume. Have a nice morning sleeping in.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"Your product is amazing! Tonight I came home to 6-10 crows being incredibly noisy when I went out to sit on my deck. I faced the boom box towards them and played the CD for no more than 5 minutes and they all moved away. Thank you so much for making my evenings on my urban deck so much more relaxing.
I love having control. I only wish I would have found you years ago."

Andrea Bainbridge
Portland, Oregon

We are so please that you have control of your surroundings and are enjoying yourself in peace and quite.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

I`m living in Toyonaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan.
I have a roof balcony where I was trying to grow a variety vegetables. Across from our place about 10 meters or so there is a large tree where literally hundreds of crows live. Everything was fine until the vegetables started producing. I was warned that crows are attracted to spherical vegetables so be cautious of my tomatoes. the crows never touched the tomatoes but it was literally a race with them to get my cucumbers.
I tried everything I could think of without killing them. I heard that crows are very vindictive and they never forget so its best to try a peaceful means to get rid of them.
Finally I looked up on the net and found Crow Be Gone. I was very skeptical, but was willing to try anything.
I purchased the Crow Be Gone CD and to my surprise it arrived within a week (thanks for the fast service).
I followed the instructions and opened my balcony doors and windows but hid the cd player behind the wall so the crows couldn't see. It took 2 days of playing the CD during the day but, I`m extremely happy to say that I haven`t had a crow since. They fly by occasionally, not once did they come back to take my vegetables. So THANK YOU Crow Be Gone."

Yours Truly,
A VERY Satisfied Customer
Toyonaka, Japan

We are very pleased to hear that our CD was a success in your garden. This has allowed you to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
testimonial Verified Customer

"Hello, I had called earlier in the month and asked if your CD works on turkey buzzards (also called turkey vultures) and you guys weren't too sure. Well, I ordered your CD and it seems it does work on those annoying vultures that were surrounding my facility's roof. So it looks like you can add buzzards to your list of birds the CD keeps away and thanks for the product."

Facilities Engineer

Thanks for the information on your results with turkey buzzards using our Crow be Gone CD. Maybe we can help others with the same problem.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"We are students from a Victorian secondary college. We were set a task to try and eliminate or limit the number of crows lurking about school grounds and scattering rubbish. We had to observe the crows behavior over a two week period, one week was with the cd and the other week was without the cd. Whilst using the cd we noticed a massive drop in the number of crows in the area. We were also told that while we were on school holidays the gardeners realized the amount of crows that had vanished from the area we had used the cd. We are happy to say that the Crow Be Gone cd works really well and I would encourage any other schools or businesses to use the cd should they have a crow problem."

Yours sincerely,
Zac Barnett
Matt Gibbs

Zac and Matt-
We are Australia's leading Crow deterrent and we appreciate what you both have achieved with our CD Crow be Gone. We're sure that this task was most enjoyable with such excellent results to study. We hope that you received equal credit towards the completion of the task you were given.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"I waited a bit before sending any feedback.
The first day I played your CD the crows flew away inside five minutes. I played it again a couple of times during the day and once more before sunset. To my wife's delight the birds did not wake her up the next morning at the peep of day. Great!
Every morning I play the CD full length and once more in the evening. No crows are to be seen except the occasional one and away from the house and not for long.
I can not put a loudspeaker on the roof so I tilted one upwards at the bedroom window though it takes some adjustment to have the perfect volume. I was dubious about Crow be Gone but it has been so far working beautifully.
Thank you too for a very fast delivery.
Many thanks."

Bernard Buisson

We pride ourselves on our prompt delivery.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"They all laughed when I told them what I had ordered. One friend suggested my partner maybe take away my credit card. But I have the last laugh now! No more crows eating everything in site. I have become the crow police but haven't seen one in a couple of days."

Claudia Jean
Grand Forks, B.C. Canada

Claudia Jean-
We are very pleased to hear of your results with Crow be Gone. Looks like they won't be laughing anymore.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"This product is absolutely amazing! We have been harassed by marauding crows for weeks, starting with around four in the morning wake up calls, then throughout the day until the final early evening gathering. Frankly, we had despaired of anything getting rid of them - well aimed missiles, fake birds of prey waving about etc... But this CD really works. The first day, they got a big surprise and cleared off completely! The next day they kept flying around every couple of hours, but disappeared as soon as they heard the sound. Five days later they still try it on, to a much lesser extent, but scatter as soon as they hear the first sound. And we have no more early wake up calls! This is a great product which fully justifies the claims. Many thanks from two grateful users on the Sunshine Coast of Australia."

Crow be Gone fans Australia

Crow be Gone fans Australia-
Crows are very intelligent and repeated playing of our CD will teach them that they should move on. After awhile they will remember to stay away from your area because of those sounds. Remember, with natural nature sounds which repeat at various times you can just let it play. The crows will be the only ones bothered by those sounds.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"Last year, a large flock of crows ruled the neighborhood and destroyed my backyard garden. I tried reflective objects, rubber snakes and wind chimes. It was a never ending race to see how fast I could keep ahead of their ability to figure out that none of these posed a threat. At the end of the summer, they were riding the wind chimes like swings.
Most other bird removal systems are too expensive for backyard gardening, and most of them would also have removed other birds. My husband was very skeptical about Crow be Gone, and repeatedly asked about the money back guarantee. He laughed while we set my daughters CD player speakers in her window, and continued to laugh when the first series of sounds played. He stopped when the 5 crows in the backyard stopped making noise not a peep or caw out of them while they listened! The next series of sounds sent them silently to the top of the fence. The next one sent them silently to the next block, and after that they were gone for 3 days. This was the FIRST TIME we used the CD!!!
Now my daughter watches for an opportunity to scare the crows but they are becoming fewer and fewer. We will begin planting soon, which might bring them back for a bit, but we are ready!

Crow Be Gone is an amazing, non-destructive solution!"

Columbus, OH

Thank you for the positive feedback and interesting story.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"Hey all!
It's pretty amazing that it works! Our national bird barn swallows alias martins (hirundo rustica) are not afraid of the sounds of this CD. But crows are gone ! Good work !"

Greetings from Estonia,
the City of Tartu

Thanks for the information that we can share with others. We hope you continue to be crow free.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"Your product works great.
We live on a canyon in San Diego. Over the last few years the crows have taken over our neighborhood. They were waking us up and we can hear them walking around on our roof. (We were afraid they would damage the solar panels)

I play the disc from my bedroom window (which overlooks the canyon) each night at dusk for an hour or so, and then again in the morning if needed. Less than a week and we are pretty much crow free."

Thank you,

Cathy & Doug
San Diego

Cathy & Doug-
We are very pleased to hear of your results with our Crow be Gone CD. Enjoy your mornings being crow free.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"It worked great within 20 to 30 minutes I didn't hear them screaming anymore!!!"

Minneapolis, MN

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"I am a Board Member of a 214 unit condo complex.
For the past several years, we have had MAJOR problems with hundreds of crows "decorating" our cars, driveways, sidewalks, and common areas.
We have tried many solutions, at a great expense to our association, and NOTHING HAS WORKED.
While researching the problem on the internet, I came across your website, and since it promised a 30 day money back guarantee, I ordered the CD, suspecting that it might be another "SCAM", but for $20.00, I would try it.
The CD arrived a few days later and I tried it out using my computer to play the CD with the windows open. I did not have the time to follow the options regarding external speakers or boom boxes.
I recommend this CD to anyone that has crow problems."


We understand your situation and would also recommend that to obtain further success with our product to follow the FAQ's and Suggestions posted on our website.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"Sorry it took so long to respond, just way too busy.
I have already told all I know and the neighbors. NOT only did it work, it's wonderful to sit in our backyard again. And when just one crow comes back and starts calling to his friends, we put the CD back on play, and the crow is gone in a few minutes.
It also works wonderfully on the neighbors bird who is in a cage and squawks continuously even more annoying than the crows, but he seems to shut up as soon as we play the CD too. I can not thank you enough for such an easy safe fix to annoying birds. Even the lovely singing birds are back.
So happy about the caged bird, cause he was the worst, the neighbor is cool, just get tired of calling her an asking her to put a towel over him.
Also, we put the boom box in our wood pile that is covered by a tarp and ran an electric cord out to it, so it was only about 4 feet off the ground. At times I could see crows on the fence trying to figure it out, but they could never see the boom box."

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
Christine George

Thanks for the email to let us know that your crow issues have been addressed successfully. We are pleased that you are able to sit in your yard again. What was very interesting was that our CD had some effect on your neighbors caged bird.
Please enjoy your peace and quite and the return of your song birds.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"Dear Sirs,
I have recently bought your CD "crowbegone" and I am very pleased with its performance. Crows, magpies and jays have been much reduced in number, and no other birds. (I suppose you don't have a disc for "pigeonbegone"!) One question only. My CD player is not really up to the job. I suppose you don't have the same thing on a USB? I would happily pay for that as well."

David Wilson
United Kingdom

Thanks for letting us know about your success with our CD Crow be Gone. Sorry we haven't a Pigeon be Gone. You should be able to place our CD into a computer and copy the file from the CD to a USB thumb drive.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"Your CD is simply remarkable.
We've used it 3 times over the past 2 weeks and it works each time and every time. It took us a bit of trial and error to get the right volume but once we did get it, the results were immediate: the crows' cawing slowed down and decreased in intensity. Within 5-10 minutes, most if not all the crows had fled. Within 20 minutes, I could stop the CD and get on with my day - crow free. The sound of nature such as the chirping of song birds - sounds I forgot existed - could be heard again. It's simply amazing. The crows just leave. Twice we had to play the CD in the morning and once in the evening. But the amazing thing is: the crows don't linger around as they used to cawing endlessly until it drove us so nuts that we had to close all the windows on a beautifully sunny day! When the crows leave, they don't come back and if they do, we're ready for them. I must admit that we were skeptical at first but you've made us firm believers. Thank you Crow Be Gone. We wish you the best and we will spread the word on your marvelous gift, the gift of peace and quiet!"

Andrew P.
Maison des Jeunes A-MA-BAIE Board Member
Quebec, Canada

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"So far, I think Crow be Gone is working really well. The first time I played it, they went crazy - It was almost scary. But after about 15 minutes, they moved away.
I have used it a few days this week and sure enough, after a few minutes, they have moved away again. This morning the crows woke us at 6:30 - I thought it was too early to use the CD but when I put it on, the crows immediately vacated the vicinity."

Andrea B.
Portland, Oregon

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"Good Morning, and I mean a very lovely beautiful Good Morning. How wonderful to wake up and not hear the annoying sound of Crows. I searched the Web to find some solution of ridding our property of them. Yours was the only one I could find, so I thought it is worth the try since I have no other choice. It was getting to the point that the crows made us feel like this was their property and that we were invading it every time we would step out into the yard. I tested it out yesterday with a boom box. I had it just sitting outside on the covered spa. The first time I start playing they were still there cawing back. But before the CD was finished, they disappeared. I couldn't believe that I only had to play the CD and could get rid of the problem, what an easy way to do it.
A very happy customer."

Lil Mauck
Murrieta, CA

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"There are about 30 to 40 crows in my little valley. My neighbor is so fond of wild animals that after she finishes feeding the horses, geese, goats, chickens and dogs, she goes out and throws food down twice a day from one end of her 3 acre property to the next. The small birds work at the bird feeders but the crows end up having a field day. So do the squirrels, but that's another story.
They were quite frightened and upset when I first played the CD. They were extremely vocal and gathered close to the idock up at my house. They shouted on and on. I felt like I was in the Alfred Hitchcock movie, "The Birds." They did hang around upset and shouting for awhile, then decided to fly to nearby ravines and hang out there. I replayed the CD about 4 times that day whenever I saw them back on my lower property. They definitely got tired of the CROW be GONE and took off. The next morning was one of the first times I remember waking up on my own without the crows noise. They were around but in smaller numbers. I put the CD on again and they repeated the same act as the day before, but in a quicker time frame.
I had great fun watching all of this. I'm looking forward to trying it out again this weekend. I have a little sonic device that supposedly annoys rodents but isn't working on the large proportion of squirrels I have because of my neighbor's daily feedings. Got a squirrel be gone?
I'm pleased to see something work that isn't poisoning the critters.
Thanks so much!"

Jean K
San Diego, CA

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"WOW, that CD is fantastic. At first I thought you accidentally sent me "Crow Come Here" because hundreds of ravens blackened the sky swirling for so long I had to replay the CD 3 times. It was astonishing to watch. I typically play it first thing in the AM and at sunset and for the most part I am raven-free at last. It's so wonderful being able to hear other birds and wildlife sounds for a change instead of that noisy guttural incessant cawing. Here is a helpful suggestion for your other customers. I ultimately installed the speakers facing upward well hidden in tree branches. The ravens got smart and were buzzing the roof speakers and showing the others there is nothing to fear. With the speakers in the thick branches none of them dare to take a closer look.
Thanks so much."

Tehachapi, Calif

What a great idea with the speaker in the tree.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"I would say overall I would recommend the CD to others and actually have. I currently still have the CD in the player in the ready mode to use. It did not seem to bother any of the poultry(free range)they continued laying eggs.
Thanks again for the CD."

Cherie & Louise
C & L Paint Horses
Southern California

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"I must admit I had my doubts about your product working. We've had a crow problem for sometime now and in the city guns aren't allowed to scare them off. So I bought your CD and followed all your directions. I placed a speaker pointed upward high on my roof just as your website suggested. I had an extra DVD player that also played CD's that I used. I kept the volume low again as your website suggested. I couldn't hear it playing indoors but if I sat down outside and waited awhile I could hear the sounds faintly. I figured that's where I would start. The player had a repeat button so I left it on all day! Of course I turned it off at dusk yet the big difference came that evening. There were no crows in the trees that I could see. The following morning I again turned on the player and let it play all day.
Guess what NO CROWS!!!.
Oh sure once in a while I may see one or two crows yet they continue on their way and don't stay.
To be honest, I wanted to prove you wrong and then ask for a refund! Now I really want to thank you for the quiet times we now have!"

San Juan Capistrano

We are pleased to hear that you now have peace and quiet.
You're so right! We would be giving you a refund if our CD didn't work for you. We provide a guaranteed product that works or we give you your money back. How easy is that!

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"Dear Crow Be Gone Creators:
We are very pleased with the Crow Be Gone CD. It has been an effective tool to keep the Crows at a safe distance off of our property."

Gil Smith

We are pleased to hear that your crow issues have subsided and the crows are remaining at a safe distance.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
verified customer Verified Customer

"We thank you and our neighbors thank you. Everyone loves the fact that those blasted crows don’t perch in the big Sycamore any more. In fact, we now have real hawks in our area. Within one month of playing your Crow Be Gone, we had a real hawk calling out — we think it believed “our” hawks might be the reason. They even perch in the Sycamore, and the crows go crazy! What fun. We have Cooper’s hawks and have seen red tailed, also.
You guys saved our sanity and completely eliminated the 5:30 a.m. wake up calls the crows used to do."

Frank & Gail

Frank & Gail-
Thanks for the feedback. As for the hawks we've heard many times about other hawks arriving to the area. We believe it has something to do with mating. Hawks looking to hook up with other hawks. So glad we're able to help you with your crowing issues.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
verified customer Verified Customer

"I ordered this CD as a last resort, fully expecting it to be a complete waste of money and I was right. After two days of continuous playing from my garage, the Jackdaws that plagued us have all gone! What am I meant to do with the CD now!
Only 2 days play! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU... The best 20 dollars I've ever spent."

John R.
Huddersfield, United Kingdom

Thanks for reaching out to us.
That's GREAT news John. We are pleased to hear of your great success.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
testimonial from our customers
Verified Customer

"By Jim
"Just FYI... I can't believe the amount of crows here in Ladera! I didn't know what to do about them and went online to research and found this magnificent product called crow be gone. It works and the crows have left my street!
The droppings on my car make the crows somewhat harmful. They like to eat whatever grows in the trees on my street. They come in the hundreds and hang out on my roof. You can hear them hopping around on it... And also on my chimney. That's why I'm so happy to have found a product that works 100% of the time and in a few seconds!"

Great news for your neighbors in Ladera Ranch. Go ahead and ask them if they hear the CD? We rid crows in a very humane way by making it uncomfortable for them to hang around. Glad we could help.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
testimonial Verified Customer

"I just want to thank everyone at Crow be Gone, who came up with the brilliant solution to Crow Disturbances and let's say it: Crow Pests! I live in West Hollywood, California, in a guest house with a yard abundant with flowers and trees. The crows came to roost about 5 years ago. At first a few, then more, and now there are flocks (murders) of crows throughout the entire city of West Hollywood.
I'm a writer and work at home. The noise and crow droppings became impossible; something had to be done. I used high pressured hose to shoot columns of water into the trees, but the crows would come back. I called the Agricultural department and the agent there was really sympathetic and then he told me of an old 1918 Treaty between the U.S. , Canada and Mexico in which, at Mexico's insistence, crows would be protected by law.
Then I went on-line to see if there was any hope and discovered the website: Crow be Gone. I bought the cd, followed the required instructions (important not to play too loud to avoid distorting the sounds on the cd of hawks, eagles etc.) In a matter of hours the crows left the immediate area. The sounds on the cd frightened them. I couldn't believe how effective this clever device worked.
I didn't have to get super high fidelity speakers, I just placed my computer speakers outside my office window and pointed them upward. It did the trick.
If any one out there is suffering crow problems and reads this, I only have to say "purchase the CD of Crow be Gone". "You won't be disappointed. It's a remarkable piece of sound engineering."

Nick Franke
West Hollywood, California

Thanks for the information about the Treaty.
Enjoy your peace and quiet.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
testimonial Verified Customer

"We've had crows on our roof everyday for years. They made a heck of mess and ruckus all day long. My husband would go out and do everything possible he could do to run them off but they always came back. We decided to try your Cd we had ran out of options and the plastic owl was being pooped on by the crows. It was like they were laughing at us.
Well let me say this, since we got your Cd we have had absolutely no crows at all on our roof or around out home. We just let it play at a low volume like your website says. To our amazement we can hear song birds again! We're truly amazed with your product and do enjoy the peace!
Thank you Crow be Gone!"

Mark & Donna
Vancouver B.C. Canada

---------- TESTIMONIAL ----------
Verified Customer

"We live on a farm on the mountains of the Shenandoah River with a two acre garden and fruit trees and berry bushes. This past October after planting garlic beds the crows walked down the rows plucking the garlic from the ground and simply dropping it in the row middles. After planting corn the crows would summarily pick the corn out of the ground. If they missed any, once it sprouted they would pull out the sprouts to get the corn kernel. Every few days dozens of crows would congregate around a barn to clear out all the food we had placed for the beneficial birds. I played the Crow be Gone CD from a distance of about 100 meters from the garden and now only see an occasional crow.
Thanks for the help."


You're reinforcing in the minds of the crows that this is not a friendly place to be.
They are a smart bird and quickly learn to stay away.
Glad we could be of some help.

Best regards,
Crow be Gone

We would like to thank all of those that emailed us with
their results, pictures, comments and suggestions.
Please send your story to Crow be Gone

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